Artikelnummer Hersteller / Marke Kurze Beschreibung TeilstatusFunktionAusgangskonfigurationTopologieAusgabetypAnzahl der AusgängeSpannung - Eingang (Min)Spannung - Eingang (Max)Spannung - Ausgang (Min / Fixed)Spannung - Ausgang (Max)Aktueller OutputFrequenz - UmschaltungSynchrongleichrichterBetriebstemperaturBefestigungsartPaket / FallLieferantengerätepaket
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO263-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-263-6, D²Pak (5 Leads + Tab), TO-263BATO-263-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK 3A TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC Regulators BUCK TO220-5 Obsolete
Surface MountTO-220-5TO-220-5
Diodes Incorporated IC REGULATOR LDO ObsoleteStep-Up, Step-DownPositiveBuck, BoostAdjustable13V36V1.25V36V1AUp to 180kHzNo-40°C ~ 85°C (TA)Through Hole8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)8-DIP
Diodes Incorporated IC REGULATOR LDO ObsoleteStep-Up, Step-DownPositiveBuck, BoostAdjustable13V36V1.25V36V1AUp to 180kHzNo-40°C ~ 85°C (TA)Through Hole8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)8-DIP
Diodes Incorporated IC REGULATOR LDO ObsoleteStep-Up, Step-DownPositiveBuck, BoostAdjustable13V36V1.25V36V1AUp to 180kHzNo-40°C ~ 85°C (TA)Through Hole8-DIP (0.300", 7.62mm)8-DIP
Richtek USA Inc. IC Regulators BOOST ADJ SYNC 10WDFN Discontinued at -
Surface Mount10-WFDFN Exposed Pad10-WDFN (3x3)