Artikelnummer Hersteller / Marke Kurze Beschreibung TeilstatusArtFarbeSpannungswertMSCP (mittlere sphärische Kerzenleistung)LinsenartObjektivgrößeFührungsstil
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-1.75 BI-PIN 28V Discontinued at -IncandescentClear28V0.34Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Radial - Bi-Pin .125
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON RT-3.75 MINI BAYO 95V Discontinued at -NeonClear95VAC, 135VDC
Round with Domed TopRT-3 3/4Miniature Bayonet
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-3/4 WIRE TERM 5V Discontinued at -IncandescentClear5V0.05Round with Domed TopRT-3/4Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND T-2 MINI BAYONET 24V Discontinued at -IncandescentClear24V3000Round with Flat TopT-2Miniature Bayonet
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-1 WIRE TERM 28V Discontinued at -IncandescentClear28V0.15Round with Domed TopRT-1Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-1 BI-PIN 28V Discontinued at -IncandescentClear28V0.15Round with Domed TopRT-1Radial - Bi-Pin .050
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND T-2 MINI BAYO 120V ObsoleteIncandescentClear120V1200Round with Flat TopT-2Miniature Bayonet
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-3.25 MIN BAYO 28V ActiveIncandescentClear28V1Round with Domed TopRT-3 1/4Miniature Bayonet
TE Connectivity AMP Connectors LAMP INCANDESCENT MINI 28V ActiveIncandescent
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT-1.25 NEO-WEDGE 14V ActiveIncandescentClear14V0.7Round with Domed TopRT-1 1/4Neo-Wedge
RAFI USA LAMP INCAND RT-1.25 BI-PIN 28V ActiveIncandescentClear28V
Round with Domed TopRT-1 1/4Radial - Bi-Pin
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-1.75 MIDG GRV 12V ActiveIncandescentClear12V0.12Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Groove
Lumex Opto/Components Inc. LAMP NEON T-4 RADIAL 90V-115V ActiveNeon
90 V ~ 115 V
Round with Domed TopT-4Radial
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON T-2 WIRE TERM 95V ActiveNeonClear95V
Round with Domed TopT-2Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP IND NEON WIRE TERMINAL Active
Lumex Opto/Components Inc. LAMP NEON RADIAL 90V-115V ActiveNeonGreen90 V ~ 115 V
Round with Domed Top
Visual Communications Company - VCC LMP A9A NEON WIRE 8MM LEADS .7MA Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON T-2 WIRE 65VAC 90VDC ActiveNeonClear65VAC, 90VDC
Round with Domed TopT-2Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON R6.2MM WIRE TERM 95V ActiveNeonClear95VAC, 135VDC
Round with Domed TopR6.2mmWire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON T-2 WIRE TERM 95V ActiveNeonClear95V
Round with Domed TopT-2Wire Terminal
Stanley Electric Co LAMP SUB MINIATURE 14V Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON RESISTOR ASSEMBLY Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-3.25 WEDGE 24V ActiveIncandescentClear24V1Round with Domed TopRT-3 1/4Wedge
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-3.25 WEDGE 24V Not For New DesignsIncandescentClear24V2.4Round with Domed TopRT-3 1/4Wedge
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCANDESCENT T1.75 10PK Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP NEON R6.2MM WIRE 50V-60V ActiveNeonClear50 V ~ 60 V
Round with Domed TopR6.2mmWire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-1 WIRE TERM 5V Not For New DesignsIncandescentClear5V0.15Round with Domed TopRT-1Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND G-6.5 BAYONET 13.5V ActiveIncandescentClear13.5V4Round with Domed TopG-6 1/2Bayonet
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCANDESCENT T-1 BI-PIN 18V ActiveIncandescentClear18V
Round with Domed TopT-1Radial - Bi-Pin
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP T-3.25 INC MINI BAYONET BAS Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND RT-1.75 WIRE 2.5V ActiveIncandescentClear2.5V
Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND T-1.25 BI-PIN 28V ActiveIncandescentClear28V
T-1 1/4Radial - Bi-Pin
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCANDESCENT T1.75 FLANGE Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP T-1 BASE LOW VOLT Active
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCANDESCENT T-1 WIRE TERM ActiveIncandescentClear
Round with Domed TopT-1Wire Terminal
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT1.75 MIDG SCRW 6.3V ActiveIncandescentClear6.3V0.55Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Screw
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT-1.75 WIRE TERM 28V ActiveIncandescentClear28V0.34Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Wire Terminal
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT1.75 MIDG SCRW 6.3V ActiveIncandescentClear6.3V0.23Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Screw
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAND RT-1.75 MIDG GRV 28V ActiveIncandescentClear28V0.65Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Groove
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT-1.75 MIDG GRV 6.3V ActiveIncandescentClear6.3V0.23Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Groove
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND T-3.25 MIN BAYO 6.3V ActiveIncandescentClear6.3V
Round with Domed TopT-3 1/4Miniature Bayonet
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAN T-1.75 MIN FLANGE 28V ActiveIncandescentClear28V
Round with Domed TopT-1 3/4Miniature Flange
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAND RT-1 WIRE TERM 3V ActiveIncandescentClear3V0.03Round with Domed TopRT-1Wire Terminal
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAND RT-1 WIRE TERM 5V ActiveIncandescentClear5V0.2Round with Domed TopRT-1Wire Terminal
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT1.75 MIDG SCRW 6.3V ActiveIncandescentClear6.3V0.03Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Screw
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAN RT-1.75 MIDG GRV 6.3V ActiveIncandescentClear6.3V0.03Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Groove
JKL Components Corp. LAMP INCAND RT-1.75 MIDG GRV 6V ActiveIncandescentClear6V0.03Round with Domed TopRT-1 3/4Midget Groove
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCAND T-1 WIRE TERM 5V ActiveIncandescent
5V0.05Round with Domed TopT-1Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP WIRE TERM 3MM INCAND 5V C2R Active
Wire Terminal
Visual Communications Company - VCC LAMP INCANDESCENT T-1 BI-PIN 5V ActiveIncandescentClear5V
T-1Radial - Bi-Pin
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